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Frequently Asked Questions

We’re here to help. Find answers to commonly asked questions here.

Account Management

  • Where can I access my basic profile information?

    Profile information is available via the user profile section of the Developer Network. Profile information can be added or edited! Please make sure it’s up to date for billing purposes.

  • Where can I see my billing history?

    Billing history can be viewed on the Billing History section of the user profile.

  • How can I update my credit card on file?

    Credit card information can be updated via the Manage Profile section on the developer portal. The active credit card is highlighted if you have more than one credit card.

  • Will I receive a receipt for my purchase?

    An email receipt or invoice is provided every time a credit card is charged. Please refer to the user profile section of the Developer Portal to see the email address on file.

  • I need an invoice for my purchase. What should I do?

  • What if I encounter a billing related issue?


  • What plans are available?

    The currently available plans are: Pay-as-you-go, Basic, Plus, Business, and Business Plus. Please see our Plans page for pricing and additional information. We also offer an Enterprise-level plan that includes additional benefits and flexibility. If you are interested in an Enterprise-level plan, please contact us to discuss Enterprise Edition licensing options.

  • What APIs and SDKs are available with the Pay-as-you-go, Basic, Plus, Business, and Business Plus plans?

    All APIs and SDKs currently offered by MapQuest and documented on the Developer Portal are available for use with the Pay-as-you-go, Basic, Plus, Business, and Business Plus plans.

  • Where can I find information about my plan?

    Information about the current plan for a user account is located on the Manage Plan section on the user profile. Information includes selected plan, number of transactions included, renewal date, and the services included with the selected plan.

  • Can I change my plan?

    Yes. Plans can be changed or canceled via the Manage Plan section on the user profile. You can change your plan at any time.

  • Can I cancel my plan?

    Yes. Plans can be changed or canceled via the Manage Plan section on the user profile.

  • Will I receive a refund if I cancel my plan?

    No, plans are billed in monthly increments. When you cancel a plan any remaining days in the month are not refunded. You have access to your remaining transactions until your billing period ends. If your projected usage changes, you do have the option of upgrading or downgrading your plan.

  • What is the term of my plan?

    We operate on a monthly billing period which starts on the initial sign-up date. For example, if you sign up for a plan on 4/22/2023, the plan will renew on 5/22/2023, unless it is changed prior to the renewal date. If you change your plan in the middle of the billing period, the change date will be your new start date. Your plans quota is reset on your renewal date, not the date of your first transaction.

  • How many transactions are included with my plan?

    Details including the name of the plan and information about the number of transactions included with the plan are available on the Manage Plan section of the developer portal.

  • What happens when I use all of the transactions included with my plan?

    Once you reach your monthly transactions limit (using any of the keys associated with the account) any new transactions will accrue overage charges. Overages allow you to go over your selected monthly quota. Overages do bill at a different rate than tiered plans. Further information on Overages can be found at Overage Details. If you are already on the Business Plus plan and need additional transactions, please contact us to discuss Enterprise Edition licensing options.

  • Will my credit card be automatically charged if I am on the Basic, Plus, Business, or Business Plus plans?

    Yes. Credit cards are charged on a monthly basis.

  • Can I use the same AppKey if I change plans?

    Yes. The plans operate at the account level and AppKeys can be used for all plan types, including Enterprise Edition.

  • Can I create multiple AppKeys?

    Yes. Users can create multiple AppKeys, though the transactions generated by the AppKeys will count toward the overall number of transactions included with the plan. Also note that per our Terms of Service, only one account per company or corporate entity is allowed.

  • How can I keep track of the number of transactions generated by my account?

    Access to transaction reports is available on the Manage Keys section on the user profile.

  • Will I be warned when my transaction usage is approaching the total number transactions included with my plan?

    Yes! You will be notified via email when your account reaches 75%, 90% and 98% of the total transactions allocated to your plan.

  • Is overage capability offered with the plans?

    Yes, we do start charging for overages once your account has reached its allocated quota. Further information on Overages can be found at Overage Details.

  • I am on the Business Plus plan and I need additional transactions. What should I do?

    Contact our Enterprise Sales Team to discuss Enterprise Edition licensing options.

  • Can I store geocoding results without displaying results on a map if I move to the Basic, Plus, Business, or Business Plus plan?

    No. Geocode results cannot be stored or otherwise used without displaying results on a map; however, an Extended Rights Geocoding option is offered with the Business Enhanced, Business Plus Enhanced, and Enterprise Edition licenses, which allows additional flexibility with usage of geocoding results.

  • Is technical support included with the Basic, Plus, Business, or Business Plus plan?

    Yes, MapQuest Technical Support is included with the Basic, Plus, Business, or Business Plus plan with no guarantee of response time or return to services. Enterprise customers receive premium support and dedicated technical support resources. Dedicated resources are not available to Self-Serve customers.

  • Are MapQuest services taxable?

    SaaS services are taxed by some states or localities. If your billing address is in a state or locality that taxes SaaS services, the appropriate tax will be added to your monthly bill. Please contact your appropriate tax authority for more information. MapQuest cannot offer tax advice.

Transactions and Reporting

  • What is a transaction?

    Generally, a transaction is a request to a service, however there are a few caveats:

    Sometimes services make “embedded” requests. For example, a request to the directions API may include a request to the geocoding service, if the destinations are represented as addresses instead of latitude longitude coordinates.

    Embedded requests count toward the number of transactions included with the plan. In the example, two transactions would be counted, the underlying geocoding API request and the initial directions API request.

    A map transaction is generally generated under the following circumstances:

    • The initial load of the map when using SDKs such as the JavaScript Maps API, Leaflet Plugins, or Mobile SDKS
    • There is a change in zoom level
    • There is a change in map type, for instance, a change from the default map to satellite imagery
    • A request is made to the Static Map API Web Service.

    Not all transactions are considered billable transactions.

  • Are there specific transaction types that count toward the number of transactions included with my plan?

    All transaction types shown on the Transaction Report count toward the number of transactions included with a plan.

  • How can I keep track of the number of transactions generated by my account?

    Access to transaction reports is available on the Manage Keys section on the user profile. Click on the name of your app and choose the ‘Transaction Report’ link from the menu.

  • Can I see transaction usage for each of my AppKeys?

    Yes. Transaction reports can be shown for individual AppKeys, though the reporting tool defaults to show transactions for all AppKeys associated with the account. To see a report for an individual AppKey, click on the ‘All Apps’ icon on the upper right corner of the tool and choose the name of the AppKey to filter the report to show only transactions associated with the specific AppKey requested.

  • I received an email that claims that I have used 80% of the transactions included with my account, however, the Transaction Report does not agree.

    Verify your plan start date under My Plan section of the Developer Portal. Then, modify the date range reflected in your transaction report to show the accurate ‘billing’ month. For instance, if the plan start date is 4/22/2023 and a warning email was received on 5/5/2023, the date range for the report should reflect a start date of 4/22/2023. If you still have questions please reach out to us at

  • How often are transaction reports updated?

    Generally, transaction reports reflect transactions generated up to the most recent hour.

  • What if I need help with creating an app, processing data, or otherwise building my solution?

    MapQuest for Business offers Professional Services to assist with your technical and business needs surrounding our products and services. Please contact us to speak with a member of our Professional Services team.

Extended Rights Geocoding

  • What is Extended Rights Geocoding?

    Extended Rights Geocoding (ERG) is a license that allows more flexibility with regard to the use of geocoding results. Geocoding results must be displayed on a MapQuest map or used with another MapQuest service; however, the ERG license allows results to be stored (US and Canada) or otherwise used without a map or shown on a map from an alternative provider. Please view our Terms & Conditions for additional information.

  • Is Extended Rights Geocoding available as an option for every plan?

    No. ERG is available only with the Business Enhanced and Business Plus Enhanced plans. All other plans do not include the ERG license.

  • I purchased the Business Enhanced or Business Plus Enhanced plan. Why do I see a second AppKey in my list of AppKeys?

    The key marked ‘Extended Rights Geocoding’ must be used when making requests to the Geocoding API if results are being stored or shown on a map from an alternative provider.

  • Is there a special time period or commitment required in order to use Extended Rights Geocoding?

    Yes. The Business Enhanced and Business Plus Enhanced plans require an initial 6-month commitment. Plans cannot be cancelled during this time period, but upgrades can be made.

  • Can I upgrade my plan during the initial 6-month commitment?

    Yes. Users of the Business Enhanced plan can upgrade to the Business Plus Enhanced plan during the initial 6-month commitment period. Users of Business Plus Enhanced can upgrade to Enterprise Edition by contacting our Sales Team.

  • If there is an initial 6-month commitment period, how does billing work?

    Users who purchase the Business Enhanced or Business Plus Enhanced plans are billed on a monthly basis. The only difference between Business Enhanced and Business Plus Enhanced and all other plans is that users of Business Enhanced and Business Plus Enhanced cannot downgrade or cancel during the initial 6-month period.

  • Can I store geocoding results indefinitely, even if I cancel my plan?

    No. Geocoding results must be removed/deleted upon cancellation of the Business Enhanced or Business Plus Enhanced plans.


  • What are overages?

    Overages allow your service to continue without interruption when you have reached your monthly quota. Overages begin when you reach 100% of your monthly usage. You can upgrade or downgrade your account and even stop overages at any time by making edits to your profile on the Manage Keys page. You can revoke single or all application keys at once. Transactions for the revoked application key will stop for the billing cycle duration until re-approved. You must re-approve any revoked keys on the Manage Keys page when your billing cycle renews to continue use with those keys. If you are on one of the highest plans (Business Plus or Business Plus Enhanced) you will be referred to a MapQuest salesperson but your transactions will not stop. Further information on Overages can be found at Overage Details.

  • How do overages work?

    When your monthly transaction quota is used up, the account will start to accrue overage charges at $0.0045 per billable transaction.

  • How will I be notified about usage?

    We will send email alerts when your account reaches 75%, 90% and 98% of monthly allocated transactions.

    Additionally, when your account has gone over the monthly quota and overages are starting to accrue, you will receive a notification email.

    The email associated with your billing account will be used as a default for notification emails. Make sure its the right one by checking out the Billing Information section of your developer portal.

    If you’re having problems, ensure that is added as a contact and therefore not sent to a spam folder.

  • What happens when I go over 100% of my monthly transactions?

    When your account has consumed 100% of the monthly allocated usage, it will start to accrue overage charges at $0.0045 per billable transaction. For example, if your account goes over the monthly quota by 3,000 billable transactions, you will be charged an extra $13.50. This will be a separate line item in your monthly invoice.

  • How can I stop my account from accruing transactions?

    You can upgrade or downgrade your account at any time. You can also stop overages from accruing by revoking individual keys or all application keys in the Manage Keys section in the developer portal. Transactions for the revoked application key will stop for the billing cycle duration until re-approved. You must re-approve any revoked keys when your billing cycle renews to continue to use those keys.

  • Can I upgrade and downgrade my plan?

    Yes! You can upgrade or downgrade to a different plan anytime. If you change your plan in the middle of the billing period, the change date will be your new start date. You will receive an invoice to close out your previous plan within the next business day, even if your previous billing period has not ended. You will be refunded for the transactions that you did not use when you change plans. You will not be refunded for transactions if you cancel your account.

    Please reach out to if you have any questions related to changing your developer plans.

  • Are overage charges refundable?

    No. Overage charges are not refundable so make sure you are aware of your accounts usage by viewing the reporting section of the developer portal.

    * Examples do not include local taxes if applicable.

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