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MapQuest for Business at RSA Conference 2018 | MapQuest Developer Blog

This April, the MapQuest for Business team traveled to San Francisco to attend RSA Conference in San Francisco, CA. We participated in conjunction with our parent company, Verizon, representing our division as Verizon Location Services (VLS). RSA Conference is a week-long, internationally recognized event with more than 40,000 attendees.

RSA conducts information security events around the globe that connect attendees to industry leaders and highly relevant information. We joined the Verizon team to showcase our Location Verification solution, a beta offering from the VLS group.

Location Verification is a trusted, spoof-resistant solution that confirms a person or device is in a verified geographic location. This platform ingests a number of data points (with user consent) to verify precise location. This will give organizations the ability to receive more precise location intelligence, which can help inform better business decisions.

The Verizon team educated attendees on ways to achieve security resiliency needed for today without compromising an enterprise organization’s digital transformation. Looking to improve your security practices? Download this industry-leading report, the Data Breach Investigations Report, developed by Verizon.

To learn more about Location Verification, and more about working with the Verizon Location Services team, contact us at

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